Reaching for the Stars
Ouachita Enrichment Centers, Inc. provides individualized program planning for both children and adults to encourage independence and community inclusion. Through its array of services OEC strives to promote consumer choice and offer meaningful opportunities to live full, self-sufficient lives. OEC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and a licensed community provider serving Ouachita, Union, Columbia, Dallas, Nevada, and Calhoun counties. OEC holds a Special Minimum Wage Certificate as authorized by the US Department of Labor.
Recent News
Please Note that 0-3 Children Are Currently Being Served in the Annex While the 0-3 Building Undergoes Renovations
August 18, 2017Faye Dismuke, OEC education coordinator honored
April 14, 2017Our Community
Ouachita Enrichment Centers a licensed Community Provider. Community is the key word. It is the responsibility and privilege of OEC to serve the local community. However, it is the support of the local community that has made this industry thrive.