Ouachita Enrichment Centers, Inc. was founded in May of 1971. Originally named Ouachita Sheltered Workshop and later renamed Ouachita Industries, it was created by a group of concerned citizens to give developmentally disabled adults the opportunity to obtain and maintain employment in a community-based setting. Since that time, OEC has expanded its mission to serve the special needs community by providing day habilitation and therapy services to developmentally delayed pre-schoolers, pre-school services for low-income families, and waiver services for individuals seeking the opportunity to live independently. For many years, OEC has provided a caring environment for special needs individuals to work, learn, and socialize with their peers.
Economic Impact
Ouachita Enrichment Centers currently employs approximately 190 full-time, part-time, contracted, and sheltered workshop employees with an annual payroll in excess of $2 million. Seventy-six of these are adult consumers employed in special minimum wage certificate jobs at the facility.
Our Place in the Community
Ouachita Enrichment Centers a licensed Community Provider. Community is the key word. It is the responsibility and privilege of OEC to serve the local community. However, it is the support of the local community that has made this industry thrive. Twelve local community leaders volunteer their time as unpaid board members. Untold members of the Camden community have volunteered their time and money in support of the OEC Special Olympics teams, special reading programs, and consumer social events such as parties, dances, open-houses, and field trips. Local industries support the facility with donations, job contracts to provide employment to consumers, and cardboard for the recycle program. Ouachita Enrichment Centers is very grateful to the Camden Community. With their help and support we will continue to provide a safe, caring environment for our consumers for years to come.