Faye Dismuke, OEC education coordinator honored

Ms. Faye Dismuke, education coordinator for Ouachita Enrichment Centers, was selected as the Arkansas Work Sampling Teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.  Ms. Faye was honored for this achievement at a ceremony at DeGray Lake Resort on May 17th, where she shared some of the tools and methods she uses in her classroom to help other teachers throughout the state.  This is not the first time Ms. Faye’s skill and dedication have been recognized by the education community.  In the April 2017 edition of the national publication for NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) Ms. Faye’s strategies  for promoting parent participation in their children’s education was the feature article and in 2013 she and two of her previous students were featured as  success stories in the AETN special “Raising Arkansas Readers”.   Thank you Ms. Faye for all your hard work!  We are so proud of you and the impact you have had on these children’s lives!